Routing information (RIS)
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Name and holder of this ASN:

DTAG - Deutsche Telekom AG

Showing results for AS3320 as of 2025-03-25 00:00:00 UTC
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Showing results for AS3320
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descrInternet service provider operations
remarkspeering coordinators for AS3320:
remarksabuse reports should be sent to the contacts listed in the registry entries for the IP address of the offending host system
remarksWe share the view that for many networks (including ours:-) only some abstraction of the actual routing policy should/can be published in the IRR. Right now we are abstracting to a very essential minimum.
remarksthe most important and helpful use of the IRR is to publish what a network will announce to peers and upstream
remarkswe encourage all our neighbors to define and maintain an AS-set to describe their announcements, and to register all the routes (and have their customers do so as well)
importfrom AS-ANY accept ANY
remarkswe maintain a list of what our neighbors have told us about their announcements towards AS3320 - in terms of AS-set (preferred), AS number, route-set (and the IRR database used to publish)
remarksin fact we apply route filters based on this for all neighbors - as far as feasible
remarksfor data published through the RIPE routing registry we generate filters automatically
remarkswe consider the integration of RIR and routing registry data and the application of RPSS authorization a great feature of the RIPE routing registry
exportto AS3320:AS-CUSTOMERS announce ANY
exportto AS-ANY announce AS3320:AS-DTAG
remarkscustomers are strongly encouraged to define and maintain an AS-set that we will include in the definition of AS3320:AS-DTAG (if we are told the name)
remarksthis will be sufficient to have our peers accept the routes
remarksin any case peers - and any network in the Internet - is free to apply some selective policy (e.g. prefix length based)
remarksunfortunately some customers do not provide usable IRR data; we will NOT add to the uncontrolled garbage in the IRR by proxy registering in some database that requires no authorization
remarkswe advise customers that routes without IRR registration and not covered by AS3320:AS-DTAG may receive less than full support by some of our peer networks and other parts of the Internet
remarks============================================================== IPv6 we do/publish essentially the same like for IPv4
mp-importafi ipv6.unicast from AS-ANY accept ANY
mp-exportafi ipv6.unicast to AS3320:AS-CUSTOMERS-V6 announce ANY
mp-exportafi ipv6.unicast to AS-ANY announce AS3320:AS-DTAG-V6
Showing results for AS3320 as of 2025-03-25 03:55:00 UTC