# Abuse Contact Finder

The main purpose of this data call is to return abuse contact informations for a Internet number resource. Note that this information is in many cases incorrect or not available.

GET /data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=3333

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource prefix, single IP address or ASN This is the resource the query is based on. YES

# Data Output

Key Info
abuse_contacts List of dedicated abuse contacts (email addresses)
authoritative_rir Regional Internet Registry authoritative for the queried resource.
earliest_time / lastest_time Holds the time the query was based on
Lists the resource the query was based on

# Code Examples


curl --location --request GET "https://stat.ripe.net/data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=3333"


var requestOptions = {
	method: 'GET',

fetch("https://stat.ripe.net/data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=3333", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));

# Available versions for this data call:


This is the current and only version of this API call.

Last Updated: Friday 19 August 2022