# Announced Prefixes

This data call returns all announced prefixes for a given ASN. The results can be restricted to a specific time period.

GET /data/announced-prefixes/data.json?resource=AS3333&starttime=2020-12-12T12:00

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource ASN The Autonomous System Number for which to return prefixes. YES
starttime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp The start time for the query. NO - defaults to two weeks before current date and time
endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp The end time for the query. NO - if not set it falls back to current date and time
min_peers_seeing integer Minimum number of RIS peers seeing the prefix for it to be included in the results. Excludes low-visibility/localized announcements. NO (default: 10)

# Data Output

Key Info
prefixes A list of all announced prefixes + the timelines when they were visible.
prefix The announced prefix.
timelines All the timelines when the prefix was announced.
starttime Start time of this period.
endtime End time of this period.
query_starttime The start of the time the query covers.
query_endtime The end of the time the query covers.
latest_time & earliest_time Holds the latest and the earliest time data is available for.
resource The resource used for the query.

# Code Examples


curl --location --request GET "https://stat.ripe.net/data/announced-prefixes/data.json?resource=3333&starttime=2020-12-12T12:00"


var requestOptions = {
	method: 'GET',

fetch("https://stat.ripe.net/data/announced-prefixes/data.json?resource=3333&starttime=2020-12-12T12:00", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));

# Available versions for this data call:


This is the current and only version of this API call.

Last Updated: Friday 19 August 2022