# Atlas Probe Deployment

This data call provides information on the number of RIPE Atlas probes in a region, a country or network (ASN). It supports history, with a general start in 2014.
The information is based on data from the RIPE Atlas probe archive, ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/atlas/probes/archive/, which is processed once a day.

GET /data/atlas-probe-deployment/data.json?resource=cc_nl

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource region, country, network (ASN) or mixed Due to the ambigious nature of abbreviated identifiers for regions and countries (e.g. me for Middle East and Montenegro) region and country resources should be prefixes with "region_" or "cc_".
Looking up a network can be specified on the IP version by using the prefix "asn4_" for IP v4 networks and "asn6_" for IP v6 networks.
For mixed results the resources just need to be comma separated.
starttime/endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Can be used to set the time range of the lookup and the output. No - by default starttime is beginning of 2014.

# Data Output

Key Info
deployment List of records with deployment statistics. Each has following content
datedate for this record
statusesNumber of probes seen with, respectively, status "neverseen", "connected", "disconnected" and "abandoned"
resource the resource used for the query
starttime/endtime time interval for which deployment statistic are returned
query_date the date the query was executed

# Code Examples

# Available versions for this data call:

deprecated - n.a.
upcoming - n.a.
Last Updated: Thursday, 18 November 2021