# BGP Update Activity

This data call returns the number of BGP updates seen over time. Results are aggregated in time intervals, the lenght of which is determined by the input parameters.

GET /data/bgp-update-activity/data.json?resource=140.78/16&starttime=2020-12-12T12:00

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource prefix, IP range or AS defines the resource the query is carried out on YES
starttime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the starttime for the query Only when specific endtime is set
endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the endtime for the query NO - if not set it falls back to "now"
max_samples Positive integer, or 0 to disable BGP events are aggregated in to at most this number of sampling periods NO - defaults to 50
min_sampling_period Positive number of seconds The smallest possible time period for each interval. It will be automatically increased to satisfy 'max_samples' NO - defaults to 1 minute
num_hours number Number of hours to look back. If no 'starttime' and 'endtime' are provided this parameter will be used to calculate 'starttime' from the deafult 'endtime' (which is 'now'). NO - defaults to 14 * 24 hours
hide_empty_samples boolean If true (default) then samples with 0 updates will not be returned - they are simply implied by the returned query_startendtime/query_endtime. NO - defaults to true (may be changed in a later release)

# Data Output

Key Info
updates List with BGP update activity samples:
starttimeThe beginning of each sample
announcementsThe number of announcements in this sample
withdrawalsThe number of withdrawals in this sample
Note: this is currently always 'null' when querying an ASN
sampling_period The duration in seconds of each sample interval
sampling_period_human A human-readable version of the sampling period.
query_starttime The starttime the query covers
query_endtime The endtime the query covers
resource Defines the resource used for the query
resource_type The detected type of the queried resource ("asn", 4 or 6)
max_samples The maximum number of samples returned

# Code Examples

Last Updated: Thursday, 18 November 2021