# BGPlay

This data call represents the scenario of what occurred to the BGP routes of a resource over a period of time.
It includes data that defines the initial BGP state at the start time of the query, and all the BGP updates observed from then until the end time, as well as a description of all the AS nodes, and RIS BGP peers involved in the result.

GET /data/bgplay/data.json?resource=140.78/16&starttime=2020-12-21T07:00&endtime=2020-12-21T12:00

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource Prefix, IP address, AS or a list of valid comma-separated resources Defines the resource that the query is performed for. If a list of resources is supplied, the results will be combined for all of them. YES
starttime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the starttime for the query NO - default: (endtime - 8h)
endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the endtime for the query NO - default: latest time there is BGP data available
rrcs Single-value or comma-separated values of RRC numbers (4 or 0,4,12,15) The list of Route Collectors (RRCs) to get the results from. NO - default behaviour: all RRCs
unix_timestamps TRUE or FALSE If TRUE, will format the timestamps in the result as Unix timestamp. NO - default: FALSE

# Data Output

Key Info
initial_state The state of the BGP routes for this resource at the starttime. Formatted as defined in the "bgp_state" section of bgp-state.
events The BGP updates observed for this resource during the query time interval. Formatted as defined in the "updates" section of bgp-updates.
nodes Descriptive information of all the ASes present in the AS paths of the BGP routes/updates.
as-number The AS number.
owner The name of the organisation estimated to hold this AS number.
targets List of all the unique target prefixes present in the results.
sources Descriptive information of all the RIS collectors neighbouring peers through which the BGP routes/updates were observed.
id Id of the source peer, as referred to in the BGP entries found in the "initial_state" and "events" sections.
rrc The number of the RIS route collector with which this source is peering.
ip Peering IP address of this RIS neighbour.
as_number AS number of this RIS neighbour.
query_starttime Defines the start of the time interval covered in the query.
query_endtime Defines the end of the time interval covered in the query.
resource Defines the resource used in the query.

# Code Examples

Last Updated: Thursday, 11 November 2021