# Routing Status

This data call returns a summary of the current BGP routing state of a given IP prefix or ASN, as observed by the RIS route collectors. Historical lookups are supported - a query has to be aligned to the times (00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 UTC) when RIS data has been collected.

GET /data/routing-status/data.json?resource=AS3333

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource resource The resource to query. This is a prefix (v4/v6), IP address or AS number yes
timestamp ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the time of the lookup. This value will be automatically aligned to a RIS colletion time. No - by default it will return the latest available data point (either 00:00, 08:00 or 16:00 UTC)
min_peers_seeing boolean Minimum number of peers seeing the route for it to be included in the results. Excludes low-visibility/localized announcements. no (default: 10)

# Data Output

Key Info
first_seen/last_seen Information on when and how the resource was first and last seen in BGP. The following structure is present only if the resource was ever seen in BGP.

time The time when the resource was first/last seen.
origin The origin AS in the route when the resource was first/last seen.
prefix The prefix in the route when the resource was first/last seen.
visibility The BGP visibility of the resource, in terms of RIS peers seeing the resource versus total peers, separated over IPv4 and IPv6.

v4/v6 The IP family of table announced by the peers.

ris_peers_seeing The number of full-table (of that IP family) RIS peers currently seeing the resource.
total_ris_peers The total number of full-table (of that IP family) RIS peers, at that point in time.
announced space
(only for resources of type: AS)
Indicates the amount of address space currently announced by that AS number.

prefixes The number of IPv4 prefixes announced by the ASn.
ips The total amount of IPv4 address space announced by the ASn by combining all the prefixes in terms of unique IP addresses.
prefixes The number of IPv6 prefixes announced by the ASn.
/48s The total amount of IPv6 address space announced by the ASn by combining all the prefixes in terms of unique /48 subnets.
(only for resources of type: AS)
The amount of unique ASes which are observed to be BGP neighbours of the queried AS at this point in time. Note that the AS might have more neighbours than is specified here, but they are not observed by the RIS collectors.
(only for resources of type: prefix)
The list of origin ASes which currently announce this exact match prefix. Each item has the following structure:

origin The origin AS.
route_objects A list of routing registry sources where there is a route object exactly matching this prefix and origin AS.
(only for resources of type: prefix)
The list of less specific and more specific prefixes related to the queries prefix currently announced in BGP. Each list is limited to a maximum of 50 items. Each item has the following structure:

prefix The less/more specific prefix.
origin The origin AS which announces the prefix.
resource The resource this query is based on.
query_time The time for which the data is valid.

# Code Examples

# Available versions for this data call:

deprecated - n.a. - 2.2

Difference to 3.0: "resource" field for AS queries is with the "AS" prefix

upcoming - n.a.
Last Updated: Friday, 19 August 2022