# Release Notes

This section contains release notes for recent versions of the RIPEstat UI. You can always check the latest version you are using from the ? (help) menu at the top right of your screen.

# 202304181356

  • CHANGE: Separate IPv4/6 in AS Neighbours graph
  • CHANGE: Accessibility improvements
  • CHANGE: DNS check card multiple items per section icons
  • CHANGE: updates to country names and two letter codes
  • FIX: clarify description on RIR Stats Country
  • FIX: IPv4/6 toggle issue in RPKI History
  • FIX: Intro slideshow not playing
  • FIX: Low vis toggle not always visible when it should be
  • FIX: Blank page for use case menu when no search input
  • FIX: Remove country dependency in RPKI History (AS)
  • FIX: Blank area in data call display when system scrollbars are always present
  • FIX: Country name error display when not available
  • FIX: LG filtering when more than one ASN is announcing a prefix
  • CODE CLEANUP: Replace webfonts with svg (reduces bundle by 4mb) and locally serve fonts
  • TWEAK: readability of time type selector button
  • TWEAK: add legend item for grey titlebars
  • TWEAK: fix misaligned search text

# 202212061439

  • NEW: Matching Prefixes IC (when IP range input)
  • CHANGE: Update process banner
  • CHANGE: Historical WHOIS include remarks
  • CHANGE: Allocation history latest/24hr view
  • FIX: Fix timestamp display in selected version Historical WHOIS
  • FIX: ASN formatting when share url is modified to contain 'as'
  • FIX: BGPlay starttime align in rare cases
  • FIX: First time loading RDNS and RC not loading
  • FIX: Sometimes landing page would not get prefix/ASN
  • FIX: Blank screen when updating from older versions
  • TWEAK: Center align landing and legal pages
  • TWEAK: RDNS/RC title line formatting
  • TWEAK: don't allow invalid (non RIPEstat) data API urls in prefs

# 202210201005

  • NEW: DNS Blocklists infocard
  • CHANGE: Data calls and messages now showing in bgplay and upstream vis
  • CHANGE: Add popup whois object info in Routing Consistency uc
  • CHANGE: More info about specifics in status line of Prefix Status Card
  • CHANGE: Filter out Adjacency from Related Prefixes infocard
  • CHANGE: Check for invalid prefixes when searching
  • FIX: table paging in Looking Glass and RPKI Origin Validation ICs
  • FIX: Inconsistent prefix announcement status among cards
  • FIX: no-result titlebar colors in apps (bgplay, upstream vis, historical whois, rdns, routing consistency)
  • FIX: First time users not loading Routing Consistency
  • FIX: various cards' status when dc is in maintenance mode
  • FIX: card overlapping when changing table paging
  • FIX: inconsistent prefix announcement status among cards
  • FIX: BGPlay error trying to plot non existant points
  • TWEAK: don't push query time to messages if not present (RPKI by Country, Prefix, AS)
  • TWEAK: Made see related prefixes button more visible with normal button color
  • TWEAK: Reword low visibility tooltip
  • TWEAK: Change wording on Related Prefixes about text
  • TWEAK: BGPlay default speed set to medium

# 202209160641

  • NEW: Ability to select time as well as date in absolute time search
  • NEW: Relative time dropdown has added last 5 and last 10 years
  • NEW: RIPE IRR chip in Routing Consistency will link out to RIPE DB object
  • NEW: First implementation of IP Range resource type and Use Cases
  • NEW: AS Neighbours history timeline
  • NEW: RPKI by Prefix infocard
  • CHANGE: vastly improved timeline controls, layout and labels for Routing History
  • CHANGE: Routing history labels link out to prefix/asn
  • CHANGE: harmonize no data return messages
  • FIX: data call now showing in RPKI by Country IC
  • FIX: Relative latest to absolute was showing today's date in starttime even if earlier
  • FIX: UTC hours in slider when showing last x hours
  • FIX: RPKI Origin Validation showing wrong num of prefixes because default AP call showed last two weeks (now using 8 hours ago as starttime)
  • FIX: Filtering on Related Prefixes IC and Looking Glass IC
  • FIX: Routing consistency not getting roas if resource entered was IP (instead of Prefix)
  • FIX: time alignment and label in Allocation History IC
  • FIX: if expanded state pref selected, also expand all UC cards
  • FIX: Reverse DNS Consistency not getting status if duplicate domains for differing prefixes
  • FIX: for infinite loop in history when url is interpreted
  • TWEAK: add AS numbers next to more/less spcific prefixes in Prefix Status IC
  • TWEAK: replace geoloc call with maxmind-geo-lite call

# 202208240544

  • FIX: No titlebar expand icon showing if first records are 0 in AS Prefix Count
  • FIX: Loading ShareLink with abs time sometimes showing blank page
  • FIX: Intermittent loading problem if updating from version with fewer prefs
  • FIX: Intermittent problem setting active menu item highlight
  • FIX: UTC alignment in various ICs
  • FIX: IPv4/v6 toggle would dissapear if no results available from data api in RPKI by AS IC
  • FIX: reset search not clearing url if timestring present
  • TWEAK: improve message in RIS Visibility when no data is returned

# 202208191010

  • FIX: Interpreted resource search in url
  • FIX: Loading animation on example resources
  • FIX: filtering at top of manage cards dropdown
  • FIX: rare case of RIS Visibility reporting non routed prefix
  • FIX: Expanded by default preference not working
  • FIX: Related Prefixes not expanding correctly after see related prefixes button clicked in other cards
  • FIX: Occasional failure to pull AS names in AS Neighbours IC

# 202208181055

  • NEW: Data Calls added to info section of cards
  • CHANGE: add loading animations for landing page links
  • CHANGE: added loading animation for site (for when people are on slow connections)
  • FIX: Major improvements to history navigation (especially forward nav)
  • FIX: Upstream Visibility not showing if connection slow
  • FIX: No-data bands before and after data
  • FIX: Routing Consistency reporting incorrect total number
  • FIX: Sometimes checking for undefined country name
  • FIX: Allocation history IC not always being cleared before new search
  • FIX: Time alignment in BGP Update Activity
  • FIX: Uppercase domains would break dns check
  • FIX: IP range undefined error
  • FIX: Race condition in RPKI Origin Validation
  • FIX: Empty search showing cards
  • TWEAK: Timestamp of app version is now UTC
  • TWEAK: icon change when revealing card info
  • TWEAK: Low Visibility toggle
  • TWEAK: Add note about UTC in bgplay info
  • TWEAK: remove preferred version for abuse-contact-finder data call
  • TWEAK: Added external icon to Documentation link in menu (because it opens in new window)

# 202207221627

  • CHANGE: Masonry layout engine is now the default
  • NEW: First version of Upstream Visibility use case
  • NEW: Searchbar toggle for Low RIS Visibility
  • NEW: Prefs will be restored (along with Saved items) after an update
  • CHANGE: Reworked date pickers to improve usability
  • NEW: Can now launch a check of all domains with a single click in Reverse DNS Consistency use case
  • FIX: Search error banner was not showing on bad input
  • FIX: Command-clicking now works to open links in new windows
  • FIX: layout was not respecting col width pref
  • FIX: infocards would sometimes make data calls twice
  • FIX: RIS Visibility timing
  • FIX: url not changing when time change from latest
  • FIX: Routing Consistency single items were not showing correct BGP status
  • FIX: Not all cards would allow cancel of in-progress api call
  • FIX: Cards would be fetched for no search after app reset
  • FIX: Date selection now UTC instead of local time
  • FIX: Empty or wrong query time messages in data message panel have been removed or changed to correct
  • FIX: Counters not being reset after a dns check
  • CLEANUP: card renaming and ordering to match labeling

# 202207041746

  • CHANGE: Performance and responsiveness improvements
  • CHANGE: Improved suggestion dropdown behavior
  • CHANGE: Atlas Probes IC add public column
  • CHANGE: Improved Saved cards modals and page functionality
  • CHANGE: Focus searchbar on load and after search reset
  • FIX: Create table records from rpki-roas if no other data return in Routing Consistency
  • FIX: Some infocards not showing if 0 results returned
  • FIX: Some inner infocard links not working
  • FIX: PWA update error resulting in blank page
  • FIX: Landing page table layout in mobile
  • TWEAK: Minimize searchbar look in mobile

# 202206081430

  • NEW: expand ICs by default pref
  • CHANGE: improvements to searchbar visibility
  • CHANGE: improve landing page and prefs discoverability
  • FIX: some height and scrolling issues with BGPlay and Historical WHOIS
  • FIX: for RPKI Origin Validation not working if asn search resulted in single object (vs array of objects)
  • FIX: expanded state not always saving in url
  • FIX: some cards showed expanded areas even when zero data return
  • FIX: RIS Visibility not working for asn input
  • FIX: hash when time changes
  • FIX: single digit RRCs not recognized in BGPlay

# 202205160553

  • FIX: shortform prefix comparison
  • FIX: scrolling to related prefixes

# 202205140938

  • FIX: Routing Status in RIS visibility
  • FIX: History url rewrites for enabled/disabled cards

# 202205121319

  • NEW: Address Space Hierarchy Use Case app
  • NEW: Historical WHOIS Use Case app
  • CHANGE: VRPs added to Routing Consistency Use Case
  • CHANGE: Added some translation strings
  • CHANGE: Remove unused outlinks
  • FIX: BGPlay RRCs list
  • FIX: RPKI Origin Validation sometimes incorrectly stated prefix was not routed
  • FIX: improved history
  • FIX: improved saved behavior for Use Case apps
  • FIX: Various interface tweaks

# 202205061508

  • CHANGE: Added RRCs to BGPlay
  • CHANGE: Added config option for graph height to BGPlay

# 202205041056

  • NEW: BGPlay Use Case app
  • NEW: Compact theme (available in Preferences)
  • NEW: Saved items can now be drag sorted
  • CHANGE: Remove the outlink to old UI version of BGPlay (since we now have new version)
  • CHANGE: Atlas Targets IC now links out to individual probes
  • FIX: Line chart in RPKI by AS now step for greater data clarity
  • FIX: Various text formatting inconsistencies

# 202204041343

  • CHANGE: Modified Usersnap for newer version
  • FIX: minor formatting fixes to menus

# 202203181012

  • NEW: Routing Consistency Use Case app
  • NEW: Reverse DNS Consistency Use Case app
  • NEW: Check DNS infocard
  • CHANGE: Remove the outlinks to old UI versions of Reverse DNS Consistency and Routing Consistency (since we now have new versions)
  • CHANGE: Infocard top level expand/contract now in the title bar
  • CHANGE: Enable latest timeframe for Routing History IC, Allocation History IC, and BGP Update Activity IC
  • CHANGE: Show full date range requested in chart even if data not present on those dates Routing History IC
  • FIX: Hide more info if unknown in abuse contact IC
  • FIX: Correct expand logic in announced prefixes IC, whois IC
  • FIX: Missing searchcountry var error in searchbar
  • FIX: Update version checking
  • FIX: Add padding to bottom of card layout
  • FIX: improvement to sidebar link detection and sharelink generation

# 202203010759

  • FIX: Allocation History not showing bars for larger prefixes
  • FIX: Duplicate queries in RPKI by AS when switching from IPv4 to IPv6
  • FIX: Clear search error when reloading
  • FIX: Incorrect menu items in Use Case menu
  • CHANGE: updated menu components will show external links icon
  • CHANGE: Forward DNS status clarifications

# 202202150639

  • FIX: Overlapping Country Resource List IC when changing table paging
  • FIX: Prefix Status IC when IP search
  • FIX: Handle 400 errors in multiple ICs
  • FIX: Handle empty IANA response
  • FIX: Handle timeout in Atlas Targets
  • FIX: Correct no result colors in various cards
  • FIX: Absolute time not being saved across views
  • FIX: Input styling after quasar upgrade broke things (mostly in search bar inputs)
  • FIX: Select all/select none share url update
  • FIX: Missing cardMeta vars
  • FIX: 2 col to 3 col IC width setting
  • FIX: clicking on Launchpad when at init would sometimes load last group
  • CHANGE: Limit related prefixes to latest
  • CHANGE: Link out to related prefixes now expands the IC as well
  • CHANGE: Apps menu removed and items relocated to UC menu
  • CHANGE: Don't re-show intro slideshow after upgrade, only at very first run
  • CHANGE: Replace Prefix-Overview init with Network-info
  • CHANGE: UC menu opens when searching, all use-cases for type shown
  • CHANGE: Improved performance with RPKI calls
  • CHANGE: Update process redesigned and nonmodal (user can continue working until reload)
  • CHANGE: Prefs Reset App area now shows current version

# 202201101412

  • NEW: pref "show meta in infocards" in Prefs (will show latest time for cards that support it)
  • CHANGE: Routing History IC - show colors, remove legend, show 20 by default, add range label
  • FIX: expand shortform prefixes in all infocards

# 202201070825

  • FIX: paging in Routing History IC
  • CHANGE: align time and date slider labels to European standards
  • CHANGE: add path prepending ("/app/launchpad/") to sharelinks (should also speed up interpretation)

# 202112170909

  • CHANGE: always display full prefix in top status line (even when short format used for searching)
  • CHANGE: status line for RIS visibility and Prefix status
  • CHANGE: rename cards to clarify relation to RIS (looking glass, visibility)
  • CHANGE: align cards to only show exact prefix matches (prefix status, visibility, rpki origin validation)
  • FIX: full country name error in country asns IC
  • FIX: misinterpreted shortform prefix comparisons
  • FIX: make asns link from RPKI Origin Validation IC
  • FIX: search error behavior
  • FIX: Blocklist IC not prepending AS if asn search

# 202112081210

  • FIX: Prefix Status IC display (for some prefixes)
  • CHANGE: RPKI Validation changed to RPKI Origin Validation
  • CHANGE: RPKI Origin Validation will only validate routed prefixes / messaging improved / links to related
  • CHANGE: Updated Turkish language strings

# 202111301132

  • FIX: RPKI infocard not refreshing on new search input
  • CHANGE: Clarified RPKI infocard warning message when prefix is not routed

# 202111240836

  • NEW: All links in ICs can be opened in new window (right-click)
  • CHANGED: Added link search ability to several more cards
  • CHANGED: Documentation link now point to new RIPEstat Docs
  • UPDATED: package updates

# 202111050852

  • NEW: ability to expand all in BGP Looking Glass
  • NEW: added your and random country to suggestions on landing page
  • FIX: Rounded input override in ios 15.1
  • CHANGED: updated TD components
  • CHANGED: includes for variable italic font

# 202110070938

  • FIX: Maxmind tooltip accuracy
  • FIX: History (back was broken when selecting date range)
  • FIX: expanded BGP Update Activity card would sometimes underlay other cards
  • CHANGE: Routing history can now be viewed in relative timeframe of "Last 24 Hours"

# 202109241339

  • NEW FEATURE: you can now set the number of infocard columns in Preferences
  • CHANGE: show 'no data' band for RPKI by Country and Country Routing
  • CHANGE: Add UTC message to all ICs Info area
  • CHANGE: added percent filtering to RPKI by Country IC
  • FIX: dates older than 20 years not sharing properly
  • FIX: clicking on saved prefix search from Launchpad would sometimes fail
  • FIX: searching from a saved search would sometimes fail
  • FIX: prefix searches would sometimes display as url encoded in searchbar and infocards
  • FIX: for Usersnap snapshots being broken by changes on their end
  • FIX: Prefix Status not loading in rare cases

# 202109020711

  • FIX: menu overlay issues
  • FIX: Landscape layout issues on mobile
  • FIX: PWA layout issues on mobile
  • NEW: added survey banner link (dismiss-able)
  • CHANGE: removed twitter link from feedback options at request of comms

# 202109011040

  • FIX: prefix status IC when not latest
  • NEW: Feedback/Support popup and options
  • NEW: Added Atlas Check UC (ip, prefix, asn)
  • CHANGED: Added ICs to various UCases

# 202108231353

  • FIX: change timeframes not being added to share link
  • FIX: saved searches list search will now forward to launchpad correctly
  • FIX: new search from saved search item will forward to launchpad
  • CHANGE: Atlas deployment IC colors changed
  • CHANGE: combined app reset (in Prefs) with saved search backup/restore

# 202108201308

  • NEW: remember expanded state and interpret expanded state from URL
  • NEW: remember launchpad card order and states (by type)
  • FIX: url encoding for prefixes
  • FIX: whois card when no return
  • FIX: display invalid_asn records in RPKI Validation IC
  • CHANGE: now using new data cluster for API
  • CHANGE: local data will be re-looked up at search reset
  • CHANGE: remove top line from Atlas Probe Deployment IC
  • CHANGE: removed 404 page and replaced with redirecting page

# 202107071414

  • FIX: card order was not saving when cards were dragged in launchpad (instead of dragged in manage list)
  • FIX: proper timeout on BGP Update IC
  • FIX: display when only 1 collector present BGP LG IC
  • FIX: labeling on AS Prefix Count IC
  • FIX: resize event timing (to improve card relayout after menu open/close)
  • CODE CLEANUP: Remove Eventbus actions for Highcharts
  • CODE CLEANUP: Rework/remove entire $bus system in prep for vue3
  • CHANGE: reset button color to align with RIPE NCC warning color

# 202106221208

  • Remove commas in AS path BGP LG
  • Add query time info to BGP LG
  • Fix non working info warning icon
  • Fix calendar popup placement (moved because of web component update)
  • Fix right pane layout width for new grid
  • Hide search extras if page is saved search list
  • Added page containers where necessary
  • Sidebar nav fixes
  • Fix date set bug where start date could be later than end date
  • Fix double click in date picker sending null value and triggering error
  • Fix for first time menu overlay and welcome screen issue
  • Landscape layout fixes

# 202106140847

  • Fix setSearch if type was Number
  • Fix AS prefix on BGP Update Activity IC
  • Cast all search conditionals to String
  • Add country link to Registration IC table
  • Remove colon from less specific in prefix IC
  • Fix sorting bug in RIS Visibility reported by end user
  • Updated web components with fixes for Legal Component

# 202106041147

  • BGP Looking Glass IC show as name on hover over asn
  • Transfer IC changes (remove as searching, progressive display/adaptation, top line clarifications)
  • IANA IC improvements
  • Sidebar formatting fixes
  • Fixes for spaces in urls (interpreted or entered)
  • Fixes for ASN trimming search
  • fixes for double AS name in as name card
  • initial support for ipv4 ranges input

# 202105271413

  • Fix for AS Status (now just validating number range and passing to cards)
  • Fix for domains that begin with "as" (were being truncated)
  • Fix for proper asn range detection
  • Fix for unallocated being seen as invalid
  • Fix for atlas probe deployments reporting found records for all zero values
  • Fix for RPKI spinning when AS has zero announced prefixes
  • Fix for INVALID AS
  • Fix for as name no name found
  • Fix hide AP more button if zero prefixes
  • Fix hide AS neighbours more info if zero values
  • Fix AS prefix count more info if zero values
  • Fix AS Path length more info if zero values
  • Fix Atlas Targets if zero value response

# 202105251106

  • Restore error messaging to bad search input
  • Set error if interpreted URL search is bad
Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 April 2023