# ASN Neighbours History

This data call returns information about neigbouring ASNs of a queried ASN extended with history.

GET /data/asn-neighbours-history/data.json?resource=AS1205

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource ASN for this query This is the ASN the neighbours are shown for. YES
starttime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the query starttime for the query NO - if not set it falls back to "endtime - 90 days"
endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the query endtime for the query NO - if not set it falls back to the latest available data point
max_rows integer Defines the limit of neighbours to be included in the result, e.g. max_rows=50 means the result will be truncated to 50 neighbours. Has not effect if there are less neighbours anyway. NO - default: 1800

# Data Output

Key Info
neighbours List of neighbours included in the result. Each with the following content:
neighbour the AS number of the neighbour
timelines a list of timeintervals (starttime/endtime) when this AS was seen as a neighbour
query_starttime/query_endtime Holds the start and endtime for this query
earliest_time/latest_time Holds the time interval for which data is available
resource Defines the resource used for the query

# Code Examples

# Available versions for this data call:

deprecated - n.a. - 0.4

Difference to 1.*: "resource" field is with the "AS" prefix

upcoming - n.a.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 17 November 2021