# RIPEstat Data Sources

RIPEstat is based on the collection of data from various sources:

# RIR authority data

The Regional Internet Registry (RIR) statistics files summarise the current state of Internet number resource allocations and assignments. They are intended to provide a snapshot of the status of Internet number resources, without any transactional or historical details. Find details for each RIR here:

# Blocklists

This visualisation is based on data from different sources. The blocklists were selected based on availability and data access policies. They are not necessarily the best representation of the vast number of blocklists that currently exist.

# MaxMind

IPv4 geolocation information, mostly in the geolocation and geolocation history widgets. It is based on GeoLite data created by MaxMind. Copyright 2008 MaxMind, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please consult MaxMind's licence before using this data for non-internal use. For details on the accuracy of this data, please visit MaxMind's product website. The data is updated every month with the newest data for Maxmind's GeoCity Light database.

# M-Lab

M-Lab provides a large collection of open Internet performance data. For details, please visit: http://www.measurementlab.net/ (opens new window).

# Meter.net

Meter.net is a company specialised in Internet performance measurements. One data set that is used on RIPEstat is Meter.net's bandwidth measurements. For details, please visit: https://www.meter.net/ (opens new window).

# Speedchecker

Speedchecker is a company specialised in Internet performance measurements. One data set that is used on RIPEstat is Speedchecker's bandwidth measurements. For details, please visit: https://www.speedchecker.xyz/ (opens new window).

Last Updated: Wednesday, 8 March 2023