# Troubleshooting
This page contains helpful information for troubleshooting occasional problems with the RIPEstat UI
# Blank page on load
On rare occasions RIPEstat will fail to update to the latest version and will instead display a blank page. This can be resolved by clearing your browser's site cache. Clearing the cache can be found in your browser's preferences or options.
# Reset
If you want to reset the app to its default settings, you can do so by going into the RIPEstat preferences (lower left, in the sidebar) and clicking on the "RESET APP TO DEFAULT STATE" button.
# Can't drag infocards to new locations anymore
Recently RIPEstat moved to a new fixed layout engine called Masonry for more predictable layouts, but this has the side effect of preventing dragging of infocards to preferred locations. To revert back to the previous engine (named Packery), you can go to the RIPEstat preferences and select it from the Layout Options.