# Atlas Probes

This data call provides information on the RIPE Atlas probes in an network (ASN), a prefix or a country.
The information is based on data coming from the RIPE Atlas REST API, https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/api/v2/manual/.

GET /data/atlas-probes/data.json?resource=at

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource prefix, network (ASN) or country Yes

# Data Output

Key Info
probes list of records for each probe found. For details see https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/apis/rest-api-manual/probes/#probes
totalTotal number of probes found
resource the resource the query is based on

# Code Examples

# Available versions for this data call:

deprecated - n.a.
upcoming - n.a.
Last Updated: Friday, 19 August 2022