# RIS Asns

# Version 1.0 (supported)

This data call provides high-level information on ASNs in RIS, including:

  • total number of ASNs
  • listing of all ASNs

The data call supports history, with each data point being aligned to times a dump is created in RIS (00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 UTC).
By default, the data call returns the total number of ASNs; more details can be obtained using parameters.

Note the term "transit" related to this data call means any ASN that is seen in the AS paths, collected by RIS, that is not the origin of a route.


# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
query_time ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the time of the lookup. This value needs to be aligned to the RIS dump times! No - by default, it will return the latest available data point (either 00:00, 08:00 or 16:00 UTC)
list_asns boolean ("true"/"false") If true, the data call will return a list of all ASNs. This might be further separated into "originating" and "transiting". No - default is "false"
asn_types "o","t" or "o,t" "o" stands for originating and will show originating ASNs separately. "t" does the same for transiting ASNs (keep in mind the definition of a transit in this case). No - by default, if ASNs are listed, they are shown indiscriminately, with no separation between originating or transiting.

# Code Examples

# Version 0.1 (deprecated)

This data call provides high-level information on ASNs in RIS, including:

  • total number of ASNs
  • listing of all ASNs

The data call supports history, with each data point being aligned to times a dump is created in RIS (00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 UTC).
By default, the data call returns the total number of ASNs; more details can be obtained using parameters.

Note the term "transit" related to this data call means any ASN that is seen in the AS paths, collected by RIS, that is not the origin of a route.


# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
query_time ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the time of the lookup. This value needs to be aligned to the RIS dump times! No - by default, it will return the latest available data point (either 00:00, 08:00 or 16:00 UTC)
list_asns boolean ("true"/"false") If true, the data call will return a list of all ASNs. This might be further separated into "originating" and "transiting". No - default is "false"
asn_types "o","t" or "o,t" "o" stands for originating and will show originating ASNs separately. "t" does the same for transiting ASNs (keep in mind the definition of a transit in this case). No - by default, if ASNs are listed, they are shown indiscriminately, with no separation between originating or transiting.

# Code Examples

# Available versions for this data call:

deprecated 0.1
current 1.0

This is the current version of this API call.

Last Updated: Monday, 15 November 2021