# DNS Chain

This data call returns the recursive chain of DNS forward (A/AAAA/CNAME) and reverse (PTR) records starting form either a hostname or an IP address.

GET /data/dns-chain/data.json?resource=www.ripe.net

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource Hostname or IP address (Ipv4 or IPv6) Defines the resource that the query is performed for. YES

# Data Output

Key Info
forward_nodes A key-value list in which the key is a hostname and the value is the list of IP addresses/hostnames to which it has A/AAAA/CNAME records pointing to.
reverse_nodes A key-value list in which the key is an IP address and the value is the list of hostnames to which it has PTR records pointing to.
nameservers The list of IP addresses of the DNS resolvers used to do perform the DNS queries.
authoritative_nameservers The list of the authoritative nameservers for the returned DNS records.
query_time Defines the time of the query.
resource Defines the resource used in the query.

# Code Examples

Last Updated: Tuesday, 12 October 2021