# BGP Updates

This data call returns the BGP updates observed for a resource over a certain period of time.

GET /data/bgp-updates/data.json?resource=140.78/16&endtime=2020-12-21T12:00

# Parameters

Key Value Info Required
resource Prefix, IP address, AS or a list of valid comma-separated resources Defines the resource that the query is performed for. If a list of resources is supplied, the results will be combined for all of them. YES
starttime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the starttime for the query NO - default: (endtime - 48h)
endtime ISO8601 or Unix timestamp Defines the endtime for the query NO - default: latest time there is BGP data available
rrcs Single-value or comma-separated values of RRC numbers (4 or 0,4,12,15) The list of Route Collectors (RRCs) to get the results from. NO - default behaviour: all RRCs
unix_timestamps TRUE or FALSE If TRUE, will format the timestamps in the result as Unix timestamp. NO - default: FALSE

# Data Output

Key Info
updates List of observed BGP updates, in chronological order of occurrence.
type Type of BGP update: "A"=Announcement, "W"=Withdrawal.
timestamp Time (UTC) of the BGP update.
attrs Attributes of the BGP update (some fields depend on the update type).
target_prefix Prefix to which this BGP update refers to.
path (only on A update types) The AS path in this BGP announcement, formatted as a list of ASes (first element is the direct BGP neighbour, last element is the origin AS).
community (only on A update types) The list of communities in this BGP announcement.
source_id The id of the route collector (rrc) peer through which this BGP update was observed. The format is "[rrc number]-[peer IP address]".
seq Sequential integer ordering the received BGP events
nr_updates The number of BGP updates observed in this time period.
query_starttime Defines the start of the time interval covered in the query.
query_endtime Defines the end of the time interval covered in the query.
resource Defines the resource used in the query.

# Code Examples

Last Updated: Tuesday, 16 November 2021